A delightful theatre show for audiences 3+ based on the book by Mem Fox, featuring live music, physical theatre and shadow puppetry. Presented across Australia 2010-2015.
Oh the magic play!
The magic play!
I’m so glad I came today!
Had so much fun, hip-hip hooray
The magic, magic, magic play
– Mem Fox, author The Magic Hat
Produced by Drop Bear Theatre
Based on the book by Mem Fox
Devisors Ali Gordon, Sarah Lockwood and Carolyn Bechervaise
In this charming adaptation of Mem Fox’s best-selling picture book, follow the surprising journey of a magic hat as it flies through your imagination changing dullardry into delight. See Mem Fox’s lyrical story told and retold through shadow puppetry, song, rhythm and movement by three blundering clowns. You have to believe it to see it as the stage action transforms into a cacophony of unruly animals, tamed only by your imagination.